South Wellfield First School

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South Wellfield First School, Otterburn Avenue, South Wellfield, Whitley Bay, NE25 9QL

0191 643 3300

South Wellfield First School

Welcome to South Wellfield First School where We Shine Brightly! SEND TRANSITION - see SEND page for transition information

  1. Families
  2. Friends of SWFS

Friends of SWFS

South Wellfield First School has an active and dedicated PTA, which is run by a group of parents and teachers. We meet often to discuss fundraising ideas and plan events. All of the funds raised are solely for the benefit of our children. 
All parents/carers are members of our School’s PTA; everyone is welcome! 

What have we been up to?

So far this academic year we have organised a Halloween disco, Valentine’s disco, Easter Egg Competition and egg hunt. Although these events are to fundraise, we aim to make events fun for everyone involved too. 
Sometimes we hold events to just treat our children, for instance, the visit from Mr & Mrs Claus! They are very kind and give their time to us for free and we provide a present for every child for Mr Claus to give to them personally. 
Summer term is upon us which can only mean the Summer Fayre! Our annual Summer Fayre will be held on Saturday 22nd June 2024. Funds raised from previous Summer Fayres has enabled the school to purchase a mobile cookery trolley to aid D&T lessons and we plan to purchase staging for the school performances. This year we are fundraising for a fantastic collection of new books for our library ready for the new academic year. Please watch this space for more details of our special event! 
Would you like to get involved?
If you would like to be involved, whether it be to help wrap Christmas presents, help out with event preparations or the events themselves, you are always welcome. Any help is greatly appreciated…. And you’ll have fun too!
If you would like to get in touch, please just drop us an email to:
You can also follow events on our Facebook page: South Wellfield First School PTA


Easter Egg Competition

Summer Fayre