South Wellfield First School

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South Wellfield First School, Otterburn Avenue, South Wellfield, Whitley Bay, NE25 9QL

0191 643 3300

South Wellfield First School

Welcome to South Wellfield First School where We Shine Brightly! SEND TRANSITION - see SEND page for transition information

  1. Curriculum
  2. English
  3. English Book Spine


At South Wellfield First School, reading and a love of books and stories is at the heart of everything we do.  We know that by fostering this love in our children not only leads to them enjoying their education, but it increases their learning potential.

As a school, we have spent a lot of time developing our book spine.  These are the books that every South Wellfield pupil will study in their time with us.  These are, of course, not the only books they will read, but the core texts of our curriculum.

Book Spine

In EYFS, our purpose is to immerse the children in the topics they are studying.  We use books and stories to ensure the children have a rich and varied vocabulary, which they can then go on to use in context.  Children will have books that they study for a week, alongside books that they will read for pleasure daily.

In KS1 and KS2, we are passionate that not only do the children enjoy the books we have chosen for them, but that they are exposed to a range of story types, genres and settings.  Therefore, we have split our KS1 and KS2 books into six main themes.  Each year group has one book from each of these themes.  Not only does this ensure that a variety of literature is covered, it also allows for links to be made between.  Our six main themes for our stories are:

  1. Set in another country or culture

As our school is predominantly White British (97%, February 2023), we feel it is important to have a range of stores from across the world showing different countries and cultures.  Not only does this enrich our children’s understanding and appreciation of the world around them, but it builds their cultural capital.

  1. Contemporary

We are an outward looking school, proud of his heritage and traditions but also passionate about embracing change.  By ensuring we study at least one contemporary story each year, we ensure our children meet new and upcoming authors and themes.

  1. Female Protagonist

Throughout our wider curriculum, our goal is to ensure that women are equally represented.  Every year group has at least one story where a female is the lead character.  These stories have been carefully chosen to challenge stereotypes and give positive role models for our children.

  1. Classic

These are traditional stories that have a place not only in education, but also British Culture.  They are all from well-known authors who families will recognise.  We feel it is important to celebrate these established stories.

  1. Diversity/PSHE

Linked with our stories from other countries and cultures, this theme further exposes children to the modern world and some of the things that makes it special.  We champion diversity in our curriculum and this allows children to see it represented in our stories.  PSHE is also a strong thread throughout school and through some of our stories, children can develop and deepen their understanding.

  1. Genre: Adventure, Fantasy, Historical, Mystery

Every story on our spine will have a genre, and some two!  However, this strand allows children to experience four particular genres in more detail by looking at their specific features and devices.  These genres were chosen as they represent breadth of literature.  They are also four of the genres that children particularly enjoy.

Year 4

Year 3

Year 2

Year 1

