South Wellfield First School

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South Wellfield First School, Otterburn Avenue, South Wellfield, Whitley Bay, NE25 9QL

0191 643 3300

South Wellfield First School

Welcome to South Wellfield First School where We Shine Brightly! SEND TRANSITION - see SEND page for transition information

  1. Curriculum
  2. Music


We shine brightly in Music when we are inspired by the wide varieties of music that we listen to, explore and experiment. We encourage the children to make sounds, harmonise their voices and develop a love for cooperative music making within ensembles and whole school singing.

Our music curriculum is accessible for all and we strive to give our children the opportunity to become musicians and develop a lifelong love and connection with music.  Our musical offer will nurture not only musical skills, but also a collaborative spirit, perseverance, and emotional intelligence, empowering our children to become lifelong learners and expressive individuals who resonate with the world around them.

Our aims are:

  • Children perform with confidence, enjoyment and immerse themselves in a range of musical genres and styles.
  • Children listen to and appraise music, critically appreciating music across diverse periods, genres, styles, and traditions.
  • Children develop their vocal skills, unlocking the expressiveness of their voices, and engage in both independent and collaborative music creation.
  • Children have the opportunity to learn a musical instrument, use technology to enhance their exploration and expression and embark on a path of continuous musical growth.
  • Children are exposed to the composition of music, production, and communication exploring the interconnected elements of pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture, structure, and musical notation.

“Music reaches us at a primal level. It inspires our souls. It makes us better people. It makes us appreciate what the world is.”   Leonard Slatkin                                                                                                   

Good music teaching in our school will offer children the chance to develop, rehearse and succeed in musical skills through a hands-on approach to learning. Children will encounter listening activities in every lesson and be encouraged to extend this skill beyond the music lesson. Singing will be at the heart of every classroom and children will become composers, nurturing a musical opinion and personal style. Our musical curriculum extends beyond the music lesson offering performance opportunities, the experience of hearing live music, whole class Ukulele and recorder teaching in KS2 and peripatetic music lessons as well as extra-curricular music ensembles.

Well - nurtured The connection with music will not only develop musical skills but also gain valuable life skills, experience joy and self-expression, and feel a sense of community and belonging. Children will access an art that can support emotional intelligence and foster self-expression.
Well - rounded

Each year children will have the opportunity to experience performance through class assemblies, Christmas performances and at external events such as the Glasshouse Big Sing and the Playhouse Summer Sing. Children will watch and immerse themselves in live shows such as the pantomime and visiting performers both in school and online. They will go on a journey of styles and genres in their music teaching as they progress through the school and have the opportunity to play a wide range of musical instruments.

Well - equipped Music in its very nature provides the children with the chance to develop their creative brains and tackle challenges using problem solving. Through building up practical skills, children will need discipline and perseverance to overcome hurdles and work through difficulties to improve and succeed. Socially, music will equip our children with teamwork and collaborative skills that they can transfer across all areas learning.
Well - read In Music we have our very own book spine. This is tailored to each year group and takes them on a journey of discovery to delve into history, learn about instruments of the world and find out about some famous musicians and their story to reaching fame. Reading these books will enrich the curriculum and inspire young musicians to work towards their dreams.
Well - connected Music has a power to connect us to global issues in its ability to evoke emotions, spark critical thinking, and inspire action. It empowers individuals to use their talents to advocate for their beliefs and inspire others. Exposing our children to live music and real-life performance experiences will encourage our children to look at creative careers for the future like sound engineers, therapists, composers and performers.

To find out more about our music curriculum and what we have to offer please click on the images below.