South Wellfield First School

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South Wellfield First School, Otterburn Avenue, South Wellfield, Whitley Bay, NE25 9QL

0191 643 3300

South Wellfield First School

Welcome to South Wellfield First School where We Shine Brightly! We look forward to welcoming all children back to the New Academic Year!

  1. Curriculum
  2. EYFS


We shine brightly in Early Years when we learn through first hand experiences of a broad range of activities and interact with pupils and adults, developing understanding and building relationships.

Early years is the foundation to all other learning in a child’s life. Children learn many fundamental life skills. They also learn academic skills including early maths and the first literacy skills of reading and writing. In addition, they develop social skills and build friendships which can last a lifetime.

At South Wellfield, children can begin their education journey from the age of 3 in our nursery. Here they have a range of adult-led sessions where they learn to listen attentively through stories and songs. They begin maths work, counting and recognising numbers and shapes. They also have time to explore the many areas set up by staff and to follow their interests by self-selecting from equipment, both indoors and our large, well-equipped outdoor space. Children develop imaginatively and creatively through play in the different areas in nursery.

In Reception, children build on this by continuing with child-led free-flow activities across our Reception unit, but also take part in more formal lessons. Children have daily lessons in phonics, literacy and maths, as well as other sessions to develop a broader range of skills and knowledge about the world around them. Children have time to interact with all adults and children in the reception unit and explore a wide range of areas including messy play, painting, role play, construction, model making and woodwork.

They can also choose from the areas outdoors which includes a large climbing frame, outdoor painting and role play, building and bikes. Equipment is carefully chosen to add interest and excitement while at the same time developing the skills needed to thrive at South Wellfield and beyond. To find out more about the Early Years Provision please click here.

Our curriculum is built on books which link with half termly topics and also underpin our English teaching. All our topics include activities linked to the Prime Areas of Learning, which are Language and Communication, Personal, Social and Emotional Development and Physical Development. Our topics also include sessions and activities linked to the Specific Areas of Learning, which are Literacy, Maths, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design.

In Early Years, the day typically starts with children entering school and then quickly choosing an area to play in with friends  Then it will be time to sit on the carpet and take part in a whole class session. After that, there will be more choosing time inside or outside and perhaps a small group adult-led activity. There will be snack and story time before more free-flow choosing and adult-led sessions. After lunch, there will be another whole class session and then free flow child-initiated learning and small group activities.

As the children progress through early years, they will spend more time directed by an adult and the content of these sessions will become more complex so that by the end of the phase, children are ready to move into key stage 1.

“A strong foundation in the early years is crucial for children’s success throughout their education and beyond.” Amanda Spielman, Previous His Majesty’s Chief Inspector

Well - nurtured  A key priority across all of early years is developing children’s Personal, Social and Emotional skills. This takes place through planned sessions such as discussing feelings, or games where taking turns is important, and also through social interaction with adults and pupils where children learn about building relationships,  solving conflicts and dealing with their complex  emotions.
Well - rounded  We plan a broad range of topics which enable the children to learn more about the world around them. For example, about different countries and the people and animals that live there. They learn about celebrations linked to different religions. They experience the creative and expressive arts through planned activities and their own free choice activities. They learn a range songs and rhymes from traditional through to other cultures, times and languages.
Well - equipped Children develop their skills ready to begin their more formal curriculum in Year One. They develop a deep understanding of numbers to 10, including odd and even numbers and doubles. They can recognise and name shapes and know some units of measurement. They learn to read and write by using phonics- We follow the Essential Letters and Sounds program. Children also learn to handle a range of tools including pens, pencils, paint brushes, saws, scissors, rollers and cutlery.
Well - read Our curriculum links to high quality books with both fiction and non-fiction books used to stimulate imaginations and promote learning. We have story time every day and children often choose to bring in favourite books from home. Each Reception classroom and the Nursery have their own reading areas where children have free access to books, which are changed frequently to maintain interest and to link with our topics. In Reception, each child will have at least one 1:1 reading session with an adult each week. Books also go home for children to read with their families.
Well - connected Our topics are planned to give the children a broad experience of the world in which they live. We celebrate the diversity of the communities in which we live and understand the impact we all have on our world. Children learn to share and cooperate with others as well as learning about different roles in families, workplaces and the wider community.