South Wellfield First School

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South Wellfield First School, Otterburn Avenue, South Wellfield, Whitley Bay, NE25 9QL

0191 643 3300

South Wellfield First School

Welcome to South Wellfield First School where We Shine Brightly! We look forward to welcoming all children back to the New Academic Year!

  1. Safeguarding
  2. Emotional Heath and Wellbeing

Emotional Heath and Wellbeing

Promoting our children's mental health and well-being is fundamental to the Wellfield Way; our children must feel safe, both physically and emotionally, in order to be respectful and ready to learn.

At South Wellfield, one of our core vales is well - nurtured and this is embedded in all that way do. In addition to using Zones of Regulation (see below), children's mental health and well-being is taught explicitly as part of the PSHE curriculum and also forms part of the Science, PE and Online Safety curriculum. 

We are working with Connect Mental Health Support Team who work with a number of local schools in the area. The team recognises that children and young people may face additional barriers to their education including mental health concerns, and want to ensure that all young people have support and that their families, schools and other professionals are able to provide the right support.

By working with communities, schools, parents and carers and young people the service aims to encourage early treatment and prevention to decrease the number of children and young people requiring long term mental health support. This is done by providing information, advice, guidance, and support.

The below padlets for parents contain useful advice and information: 

Primary School Parents (

You can follow the Connect team on Instagram and Twitter. 


If you would like to find out more about the Zones of Regulation, please click on the documents below.

 Family's Guide to the Zones of Regulation.pdfDownload
 Zones Glossary.pdfDownload
 Zones of Regulation Strategy Toolbox Ideas.pdfDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3

We use The Zones of Regulation as a whole school approach to support our children with self-regulation and provide a common language to articulate feelings and emotions. In the words of the psychologist Ross Green, 'Children do well if they can' and it is our responsibility to help our children to recognise their emotions and manage their responses through teaching them the skills to make the right choice. We use The Colour Monster, from our Book Spine, to ensure a consistent approach to the four zones across school.

  • Blue Zone - sad, tired, sick, hurt, lonely, bored
  • Green Zone - calm, happy, focused, ready to learn
  • Yellow Zone - stress, frustration, anxiety, excitement, silliness, nervous, confusion, overwhelmed
  • Red Zone - elated, angry, rage, devastated, panicked, terrified

If you have any concerns about your child's mental health and wellbeing, please explore the links below for advice and support.

Living Well North Tyneside - Advice and Support - Children and Families

This offers access to a range of support services for families

As a school we recognise that our families may go through difficult periods due to, for example, bereavement, family separation or addiction. Below are some useful websites which may be able to provide support. Please feel free to contact school if there is anything you would like to discuss further.

Drug & Alcohol Rehab in Whitley Bay - Rehab 4 Addiction

Helping Your Child Cope with Your Divorce or Separation | NSPCC

Grief and loss | Barnardo's (

Bereavement - Barnardos

Early help | North Tyneside Council

If you believe your child needs some additional help and support you may want to complete and Early Help Assessment. This is a whole family assessment which helps determine the needs of all family members.

Children's Public Health Service (0-19) | North Tyneside Council

The Children's Public health Service includes a range of professionals who can support your child up until they are 19.

Contact for Whitley Bay, Tynemouth, or surrounding areas: 0191 643 8808

Child and Adolescent Mental Health service (CAMHS) :: Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust


The Child and Adolescent Mental Heath service CAMHS is here to help children and young people up to 18 years old, and their families, in North Tyneside.

Homepage - Children North East (

Children North East work with babies, children and young people in their families, schools and communities to ensure they grow up to be healthy and happy.